New Song Connections

Please enjoy these family-friendly resources to help you cope with uncertain times. Our guided relaxation videos are appropriate for children.
Finding Comfort in Uncertain Times
Finding Comfort in Uncertain Times
The Golden Sweater
4-7-8 Breath Relaxation Exercise
Cactus Campout Connections
Big Life Journal
Thinking of You
One-on-One Time
Catch ‘em Doing Good
A Flower for Mom
A Succulent for Dad
"Onward" Activity
"Onward" Discussion
Be Right Back Jar
Hopes and Dreams Bag
Remembrance Poster
How We are Connected
Window into our Family
Magic Kite Relaxation
Fall Forest Relaxation
New Song Luminary
There's No Such Thing as a Dragon
Happy Right Now
I am Loved
The Bunny Breath